Saturday, June 19, 2010

Soul Journey

This is the C. G. Jung Institute in Kusnacht Switzerland on Lake Zurich which is just south of city of Zurich. This is where activities, seminar, workshops related to Jungian analyst training are offered. They have a summer intensive workshop conducted in English that lasts about 2 weeks every summer. I won't be going this year, but I plan to eventually attend. My dream has been to attend the summer intensive workshop since first hearing about it 7-8 years ago. It was an absolute pleasure visiting this site last week. It took us a while to find the institute, but we eventually found it right on sparkling Lake Zurich.We stopped at the post office and they gave us a map and told us where to find it. The houses on the lake were very close and parking tight. We found a parking place and walked to the institute. There was nothing going on in the classrooms or library, but we looked around the building and visited the bookstore where I bought a book by Mary Ann Mattoon (Jungian analyst from Minneapolis) called Jung and the Human Psyche and a CD about Jung. I'll load the CD into my iPhone. The rose garden was lovely with places to sit and stroll in peace. A perfect place to contemplate life, growth, love, and all things important for soul searching. I like the path in this photo representing a soul journey. No better path to start or continue a a journey self-discovery.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great post, Maggie. Like you I would love to go to the summer intensive at Kusnacht, and I hope to make it in the not-too-distant future.

    It certainly seems that you found Kusnacht to be a sustaining place.
